15 Aug What if it all worked out?!
Food for thought…
What if we thought about all of the things that COULD go right? What if we thought up of how great a situation could be? What if we felt the good feelings?
Instead, we immediately will think of how something could go wrong. Allow fear to control the show Allow anxiety and negativity to creep in. Allow the past to take charge and try to dictate how the present is going to be or determine your future.
A few days ago I was feeling emotional. Maybe it was the upcoming monthly cycle that had my hormones going and making me feel all the feels. Hence the chocolate cravings and the need to just sulk in the sad songs. Because when we are emotional, we need to listen to all of the sad songs right?! And on repeat to just make ourselves sadder lol. Ok but in all sincerity, I was feeling emotional, and I was allowing situations and hurt from the past to creep into my present and it made me start thinking negatively about the future. I was thinking well, should I be happy and excited? The past has dictated it can turn out differently.
In talking to one of my best friends, she helped to put things into perspective for me. I told her how I was thinking and replaying the past and imagining the same outcome for the future. She told me, what if things worked out way better than you expect? Why don’t we just picture the best things happening? And then she proceeded to tell me that hey we are all a little messed up in the head and that’s ok, to which we both started laughing!
Because that’s the truth. We are all human and don’t have it all together. Despite all of the healing and work we do on ourselves, we are always a work in progress. Sometimes old patterns, old habits and negative thinking will creep in. its what you do in those moments and how fast you can get out of it that counts. Each time it happens it will be less and less time spent on it. I was able to talk to my friend, I was able to journal all of the things I wanted to let go of, and it was a full moon too which was kind of epic timing. I read my list at night and then burned it and let it go.
Moments like those humble me. Moments like those help me to see how far I have come in my life. Moments like those allow me to put everything I have learned to work. It also helps to have a few special souls in your life to help you along the way 😊
So just use this as a little reminder for yourself. If you happen to have an off moment and just find yourself in a funk. Catch yourself in it, and journal it out, talk to your best friend or therapist and then let it go! Also, a good piece of chocolate always helps lol. Or a good dance party!
Our minds are very powerful and we have the power to create our realities. So lets make some magic!! Lets make some epic shit happen in our lives!!
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