My name is Kenia and Thank you so much for stopping by
Have you ever found yourself thinking or feeling like, you are not loveable, smart, capable, pretty or just simply not enough?
Have you questioned yourself whether you are worthy of having success, happiness, peace or love?
If you are nodding your head right now, well guess what, so am I! You and I are no different. We have experienced many of the same things, yet we may feel we are the only ones in the world. It can sometimes feel safer to not speak out about what we are going through and just go down to spiral town.
I admit that I have been a member of the spiral squad one too many times throughout my life. It is my hope that in sharing my life experiences and things that I have overcome and worked through and am STILL working through that you are able to find inspiration, motivation and the freedom to heal, grow and allow yourself to live the life you were always meant to.